Friday, May 2, 2014

The hunt to cook dinner

So I don't have a whole lot of ingredients in my fridge or pantry currently. And so it makes it a little difficult to cook anything on a regular basis, or for that matter experiment. I've also been working long shifts at work, so I get home and either cook really simple meals or not cook at all. But tonight I really wanted to cook, and since I didn't have any meat thawed, I looked around in my pantry and fridge for anything available to make anything with. I found chicken in a can, noodles, broccoli, heavy cream, and no cheese......but I did have Laughing Cow cheese spread wedges. And yes I've used all these to make a chicken-helper like meal.

About 1-2 cups spiral pasta
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
3 laughing cow cheese spread wedges (garlic and herb)
1 5oz can of chicken
1 cup fresh broccoli
salt, pepper, red pepper, and onion powder

Bring water in a pot to boil, add lots of salt, add pasta, cook for 8 minutes. In sauce pan add cheese and heavy cream. Contentiously stir for about a minute, add chicken and let cook for about 2 mins. Keep stirring. Add broccoli to chicken mix. Add spices. Once pasta is cooked add to the rest, stir. To help thin the sauce and to help it also spread add a little bit of the pasta water. Serve and enjoy :)

Remember to look at what you have, think and experiment. The dish might be simple, but the soul is satisfied!!


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